Tax Preparation
Taxes can be overwhelming. At Z&A, we will help you align your financial goals with timely and accurate tax planning so that you feel as confident as possible about your tax situation. We will work to ensure that you pay no more in taxes than the amount you legally owe. Services include:
- Personal income tax planning, preparation and consulting
- Not-for-profit tax returns
Z&A specializes in audits of governmental and not-for-profit organizations. We have extensive experience in governmental accounting and audit standards, allowing us to perform audits timely and with minimal disruptions to our clients’ staff. Our clients include local cities, schools & counties, and a variety of not-for-profit organizations throughout the State of Ohio. Services include:
- Independent audits of financial statements
- Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUP)
- Single Audit of federal grants under Uniform Guidance
Accounting Services
Z&A provides government Accounting services, including but not limited to: cities, schools & counties, as well as not-for-profit Accounting services. Services include:
- Consulting
- Implementation of GASB Statements
- Compilation and financial statement preparation
- GAAP conversions
- Preparation of Annual Comprehensive Reports (ACFR’s)